What methods (modalities) do you use?

  • I Practice in all three modalities

    • thermolysis- High frequency current where solely heat is used

    • Galvanic- current is applied where a chemical reaction destroys the hair germ cells

    • Blend- a combination of the thermolysis and galvanic modalities

What Epilator do you use?

  • I use the state of the art Apilus xCell Pur.

  • I invested in the most comfortable and effective, which I would attribute to the xCell’s 27.12 MHz current.

  • *Clients under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

Where on the body can hair be removed?

Essentially everywhere, except inside the ear canal and in the nostrils.

How painful is Electrolysis?

  • With the use of the Apilus Xcell, you may experience slight heat from the current being discharged.

What side effects can I experience?

  • You may experience some swelling, redness or tenderness.

For your health, I require written permission from a physician before treating those with:

  • Pacemaker

  • Pregnancy

  • On blood thinners

  • Diabetes

  • If you want hair removal from a mole

  • Certain blood disorders

  • Poor circulation

  • Acutane (typically you cannot be treated until six months after completing the acutane cycle)

How long will it take for hair to be permanently removed?

  • The contributing factors in the timeline to permanency include:

    • hair type and density of the area to be treated

    • the size of area to be treated

    • frequency of treatments

How does hair grow?

Hair growth is cyclical. There is a growing, transitional and resting period where the hair follicle will soon start to generate a new hair. Each hair follicle is in a different part of each stage. The location and type of hair will determine a projected duration of hair growth.